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Breadcrumb Reads

This is the companion blog to my main book blog, Breadcrumb Reads. My reading tastes veer towards the classics, literary fiction, creative non-fiction and historical fiction.

Basic Christianity (IVP Classics) - John R.W. Stott, Rick Warren While reading this book I could see why it is considered one of the top 50 ground-breaking Christian books. John Stott writes powerfully and convincingly, steadily breaking down the major components of Christianity individually before putting them all together as a whole. He begins by making it clear that the living God is one who "takes the initiative, rises from his throne, lays aside his glory, and stoops to seek until he finds" man who is "still lost in darkness and sunk in sin". He very simply brings out the kind of relationship God and man were supposed to have that was broken because of sin, and how Jesus Christ is the link that bridges the gap between God and man, allowing for the relationship they once had with each other.

While all of the above and much more of what he says were already clear to me, it was lovely reading it all out in print, and so simply and clearly stated. I also learnt a few other things in the final chapters that serve as what-to-dos and as encouragement for those who yearn to walk with Christ.